Beekeeper Updates
MBA Meetings
** Next MBA Meeting, April 4 , 2024 -5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Heberton Hall, Keene Public Library, Keene NH, or via Zoom
Speaker: The Keeper Hives
Meetings are monthly, February through November.
First Thursday of the month, Keene Public Library, Heberton Hall
5:30-7:30 pm.
Meetings are hybrid (virtual and in-person) and open to the public. If there is a speaker, there may be a small fee for non-members.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 1915 8631
Passcode: 993883
About the MBA
The Monadnock Beekeepers Association is a beekeeping club for anyone interested in honeybees, in the Monadnock and Connecticut River Valley regions. We hold meetings once a month, in-person and virtually. Please feel free to come to a meeting or contact us if you have an interest in honeybees or beekeeping.
MBA Bee School
The Monadnock Beekeepers Association Bee School is a two day event every February, followed by monthly on-site practical instruction. Bee School is open to all new and prospective beekeepers. The course fee includes textbook (Beekeeping for Dummies, 5th edition), all classes, and MBA membership.Sign-up for 2024
is closed.
For current students only: Please sign up below for class updates. Don't skip this step!
MBA Apiary Project
The Monadnock Beekeepers Association is working toward sustainable beekeeping, eliminating our dependency on the importation of southern nucleus colonies ("nucs"), packages, and queens by promoting local survivor genetics. We use resource management techniques to raise nucs and queens from our survivor colonies.
A nucleus hive is a miniature colony with all the components of a full-size colony, including a laying queen, workers, brood at all stages of development, pollen, and honey. The benefits of a nuc are that the bees are working together to establish their colony. The queen is mated, accepted, and laying. The nucleus colony gives you about a four week head start toward getting your hive prepared for winter.
Latest news
MBA Petition against House Bill HB 1698 - FN
At our March MBA meeting you had the option to sign the petition below. Thank you for joining us in our effort to protect our honeybees and minimize exposure to pesticides!
Petition content:
"We are members of the Monadnock Beekeepers Association, spanning Cheshire and parts of Hillsborough counties. We are in opposition of the proposed House Bill HB 1698-FN, exempting the application of pesticides using drones from notification procedures. The bill, if ratified, adds a new paragraph to RSA 430:34-a, stating that “the notification requirements for aerial pesticide application do not apply to the aerial application of pesticides by a person with a valid certificate of registration or permit, while using unmanned aircraft for agricultural purposes at a height not exceeding 50 feet above ground level.” Many of us have registered our apiaries for the sole purpose of ensuring notification of aerial pesticide application that may affect our apiaries.
The exemption afforded by HB 1698-FN serves no useful purpose by omitting the notification process for drone-based aerial pesticide applications. Our honey bee population needs to be protected and notification of aerial pesticide applications is vital to preserve the bees and the economic welfare of New Hampshire’s beekeepers and farmers. Exposure to pesticides can and does result in the loss of productive honey bee colonies. This loss affects beekeepers and the farmers that depend on honey bees for pollination. If beekeepers are notified of pesticide application, we can close our hives to prevent bees from flying when pesticides are being applied, limiting toxic exposures.
Currently the only protocols beekeepers have available to protect their bees from aerial pesticide exposure is the notification requirement provided by RSA 430:34-a and the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rule, Pes 506.02 titled “Application Procedure for Treatment by Aerial Methods”. Pes 506.02 provides a comprehensive notification process for aerial pesticide treatments. Furthermore, Pes 506.03 titled “Special Provisions Applying to Rural Area Treatment” requires notification to registered beekeepers, pursuant to Agr 1805.01, in the area to be treated.
We ask that your Committee members consider the impact that the exemption would create for New Hampshire’s beekeepers and request that HB 1698-FN be amended to require full notification as currently required by State law. If anything, notification rules should be strengthened and expanded, not reduced."

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Learning Opportunities
* Bee School for new and prospective beekeepers every February.
* Sustainability Seminars for beekeepers with at least 3-5 years of experience.
* Speakers and discussion at monthly general meetings